Yes, we must ever be friends; and of all who offer you friendship, let me be ever the first, the truest, the nearest and dearest!
much lurfflurff <3 <3
this pic was taken in the cinema hall while waiting for green hornett 3D. it was friggin awesome!! jay chow sgt adorable...oke..i love to wear pashmina hijab this way bcoz slesa n seswai gn muke sy kot..ehe.sbnanye men pakai hentam je...oke thanx!
okee....actly bgus gak join contest2 cmni sbb leh knl rmai blogger laen.mngeratkan silaturrahim la kan kan...instead of can usyar2 gojesgirl styling up their shawl, we also can win the price! yeay! *if menang la kan...hehee...